Microscale Biological Evidence (Touch DNA) Microscopic  System  OR-GDNA3000

1, INTRODUCTIONThe system conducts Touch DNA search and collection by special spectrum.The special spectrum imaging technique system is aiming at discriminating, locating and extracting micro-scale Touch DNA correctly which are invisible and hidden in complex and diverse objects. 2, FEATURES1)Integrated visualization design meets the needs of single person operation.2)No interference from ambient light, no needContinue reading Microscale Biological Evidence (Touch DNA) Microscopic  System  OR-GDNA3000

Portable Forensic 6-band Detection Light

 — OR-GSS300 In crime scene investigation, fast and accurate detection of possible forensic traces is of vital important. Forensic Alternate Light Sources(ALS) have been used for detection of biological evidences, which can be detected due to their nature characteristic, such as light absorption (blood) or fluorescence effect (semen, saliva, urine, vaginal fluids, sweat etc.). AndContinue reading “Portable Forensic 6-band Detection Light”

ALL-IN-ONE Forensic Light Source System OR-GJC8000

Product VIDEO: https://youtu.be/0SzdLO04wTQ FEATURES: Available Wavelengths(al-in-one): Laser Lights (Luminous Power): 530nm(2W); 445nm(3W); CSS0(4W) Multi-band Lights(Power): White light(10W); UV 365nm(10W); UV 395nm(8W) Footwear Impression Light(Power): 40W Light Source Intensity adjustable. Beam Size: Beam Size of Laser and Multi-band Lights: Dia. at 0.5 meter ≥ 39cm Dia. at 1 meter ≥ 78cm Beam Size of Footwear Impression Light:Continue reading “ALL-IN-ONE Forensic Light Source System OR-GJC8000”

TOUCH DNA Visualized Extraction System OR-GDNA1000

OR-GDNA1000 DOWNLOAD Web: http://www.lightmobile.com/product_show.aspx?id=482 Touch DNA, also know as Trace DNA, is a forensic method for analysing DNA left at the scene of a crime, it only requires very small samples, for example from the skin cells left on an object after it has been touched or casually handled, or from footprints. Touch DNA analysis onlyContinue reading “TOUCH DNA Visualized Extraction System OR-GDNA1000”

High-Power Forensic 3-band Detection Light OR-GSS600

OR-GSS600 In crime scene investigation, fast and accurate detection of possible forensic traces is of vital important. Forensic Alternate Light Sources(ALS) have been used for detection of biological evidences, which can be detected due to their nature characteristic, such as light asorption (blood) or flurescence effect (semen, saliva, urine, vaginal fluids, sweat etc.). And ALSContinue reading “High-Power Forensic 3-band Detection Light OR-GSS600”

Footwear Impression Detection Light —- OR-GZJ40

OR-GZJ40 Crime scene footwear impressions are most valuable as forensic evidence, in crime of burgalry, assault, robberies, repe, homicide and other crimes, where proof of an individual’s presence is incriminating. They provide valuable information to the scene of crime officer and investigators, including information concerning the number of suspects, their path through the scene, theirContinue reading “Footwear Impression Detection Light —- OR-GZJ40”

Footwear Impression Wide Detection Light OR-GZJ30B

  OR-GZJ30 Crime scene footwear impressions are most valuable as forensic evidence, in crime of burgalry, assault, robberies, repe, homicide and other crimes, where proof of an individual’s presence is incriminating. They provide valuable information to the scene of crime officer and investigators, including information concerning the number of suspects, their path through the scene,Continue reading “Footwear Impression Wide Detection Light OR-GZJ30B”

Crime Scene Wide Footprint Detection Light OR-GZJ60

  OR-GZJ60 Crime scene footwear impressions are most valuable as forensic evidence, in crime of burgalry, assault, robberies, repe, homicide and other crimes, where proof of an individual’s presence is incriminating. They provide valuable information to the scene of crime officer and investigators, including information concerning the number of suspects, their path through the scene,Continue reading “Crime Scene Wide Footprint Detection Light OR-GZJ60”

Crime Scene Wide Shoe prints Detection Light OR-GZJ80

Crime scene footwear impressions are most valuable as forensic evidence, in crime of burgalry, assault, robberies, repe, homicide and other crimes, where proof of an individual’s presence is incriminating. They provide valuable information to the scene of crime officer and investigators, including information concerning the number of suspects, their path through the scene, their involvementContinue reading “Crime Scene Wide Shoe prints Detection Light OR-GZJ80”

PhotoTable for Forensic Three-dimensional Photography OR-GTY200

PhotoTable for Forensic Three-dimensional Photography adopts electric lifting bracket, which is convenient for different sizes of objects, and can also be used for hanging digital camera. Fixed focus by adjusting the camera’s high-low to achieve the best shooting effect; using motor control, a stable recording effect can be achieved during the movement. The light sourceContinue reading “PhotoTable for Forensic Three-dimensional Photography OR-GTY200”